Labels: Ensure a Long , Lasting Relationship , Taking Care of Your Cat

Cat care includes ensuring that your pet has food and water readily available. Cats typically get their own exercise as they play and prowl around the house, thus alleviating the need to take them on walks. It doesn't take a lot to keep a cat happy which is another reason that they are such popular pets.
Cat care includes providing your pet with a box or a cushion to sleep. This is an area in which they will feel comfortable and safe, and they will often choose their own spot to make their home.
Providing them with a litter box is essential, and cats are typically easily trained to use the box in accordance with their habits of cleanliness. Litter needs to be changed on a regular basis, as cats will often not go to the toilet in an unclean environment.
An easy cat training tip is to work with your cat over a few weeks and figure out which kind of litter they like best. There are a great variety of different litters and you may find that one works better than another.
Cats will keep their claws immaculate, and will often sharpen them as needed on tree trunks and the like. If yours is solely an indoor cat, you may find that your cat will use furniture to sharpen its claws which can result in gouges or scratch marks. A cat training tip to avoid this problem is to provide your pet with an alternative option such as a scratching post. Rewarding your cat for using the scratching post can be done in the form of little treats, and they will soon learn to use the post instead of the furniture.
Cats will spend hours grooming themselves, often swallowing hair in the process. Cat care also includes brushing your cat on a regular basis to minimise the occurrence of large hair balls being swallowed.
Part of cat care includes monitoring the health of your pet. Please remember that your cat should have vaccinations at an early age and often these are legally required. Monitoring your cat for changes in behaviour is also important, and if any significant changes are noticed, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian. Taking care of your cat will ensure a long and lasting relationship. By Robert Grever
To prevent hair balls a good brush is a must. Also an emery scratch pad is a must.