Labels: A Way to Your Dog's , Dog Massage Therapy , Dog's Betterment , Your Dog's

Health experts say that touch can do wonders. This does not only apply to humans -- dog massage therapy actually has a lot of benefits that cannot be given by just one pill or one treatment from the vet. Finding out the many benefits of massage for dogs will surely encourage dog owners to undergo dog massage training to show more of their love for their pets.
A few of the many benefits of massaging dogs as discussed in most dog massage training courses include: sense of calmness, decrease in stress level, pain relief, decrease of toxins in your dog's body, faster recovery after surgery or after your dog has had some trauma, and so on. Though dog massage therapy is not a true replacement of veterinary care, it is still recommended.
Massage for dogs is normally a process of generating pressure to certain body parts of your dog. If you have not undergone dog massage training and plan to just use massage as a form of bonding with your pet, you should only use gentle pressure. Skilled massage therapists, however, can use stronger pressure depending upon the needs, the condition, and the size of the dog.
There are many different techniques of dog massage therapy. There are massages meant to benefit the circulatory system. For example, stroking can be a form of massage, and when done to your dog, the end result is usually better circulation. For skin and muscle improvement, the recommended dog massage techniques to use include stretching and kneading.
A more complete description of each type of massage for dogs is found below:
1. Passive touch technique
This kind of massage involves no motion or pressure from your hands. You just have to place your hands on top of a certain body part for around 30 seconds up to a little over a minute in order to calm your dog. The passive touch form of dog massage can also be used to keep your pet warm.
2. Stroking technique
This kind of dog massage therapy is usually used as a closing procedure in massage sessions. It is best to stroke lightly in order to increase your pet's level of calmness. If you want to stop your dog from crying or whimpering, you may also use the stroking technique.
3. Stretching
Stretching is also considered as a form of dog massage that is used to improve movable joints. For example, if you want to strengthen your dog's limbs, you may order him to stand, and once he does, you can take a hold of his paws, and make him move in dancing motions. You have to be careful, though, as incorrect positioning can be the cause of trauma to your dog's tissue and joints. If you are afraid of stretching your dog, it may be best to have it done by a professional dog massage therapist.
4. Kneading
Included in the list of popular dog massage techniques is the technique called kneading. There are two kinds of kneading massages: deep or superficial kneading. Deep kneading massages are used to improve muscle fibers by massaging your dog's muscles directly. Deep kneading massages more often than not decrease toxins and gets rid of muscle spasms in your dog. The superficial type of kneading, on the other hand, mostly involves giving light and short pinches to the skin as well as skin rolling. Superficial kneads help improve your dog's circulation and blood flow.
There are so many benefits of dog massage therapy that makes it an activity that is highly suggested to dog owners. Zoe Gan, a trusted professional in dog massage, offers a video course: Dog Massage Secrets, which teaches dog owners how they can improve their pet's health through proper dog massage. If you want a happy, lively, and healthier dog, aside from regular veterinary check-ups, massage for your dog is a must.
By Annita Brixen
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