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Fish Pond Design


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The graceful movements of fish in water have immense therapeutic effect on our mind. A minute spend at watching fish swim in aquarium or pond is said to have a very calming effect on human mind. Hence, many people try to fit a small aquarium in their homes. If you are fortunate to have a sprawling backyard, then you might consider building a fish pond. Fish pond, along with aquatic plants is a great landscape design idea. However, you need to consider a few factors before going for fish pond design. More on aquarium fish.

Fish Pond Design Ideas

Type of Aquatic Life
This is the foremost factor one needs to take into account while designing a fish pond. The species of fish decides the size of the pond as well as the selection of other aquatic plants. For instance, if you are planning to have koi fish, you will need a fairly large koi pond, since koi tends to grow to an enormous size in a short time. Also, you will have to restrict the amount of aquatic plants, since koi eats them away. However, goldfish can peacefully live in smaller ponds with other vegetation. More on aquarium fish types.

Selection of the Site
Once you have decided upon the inhabitants of your fish pond, it becomes easier to select an appropriate location for your pond. Preferably, the fish pond should be as close to your home as possible, so that you can easily enjoy its view and also keep a watchful eye. As mentioned above, the size of the pond would depend upon the available space as well as the occupants. Ideally, a fish pond should be at least 2 ft deep with a capacity of 1000 gallons of water. If you live in a very cold region, then you might have to make provision for at least 12'' to 16'' of space below the freezing zone.

Another major consideration while selecting the site for fish pond is the placement of trees. If you have trees surrounding the pond, you might have to face problems in future. Deciduous and conifers are known to impair the quality of water, hence are best planted away from the pond. The leaves and other debris from trees falling in the pond can require regular clean up and may add to your maintenance cost. Moreover, the roots of nearby trees may protrude and damage your carefully constructed fish pond. The rain water run off should also be taken care of, as the rain water may carry fertilizers or other chemicals that can be detrimental to aquatic life in your pond. More on koi pond maintenance.

Design and Implement
This is the final stage of your fish pond design, wherein you are required to select an appropriate design as per your individual requirements. In case you are wondering about how to design a fish pond, then you can opt for a fish pond design software that may enable you to design a pond as per your specifications and requirements. A block rendered, resin sealed design provides the basis for constructing an ideal fish pond. Before you excavate the earth for building pond, you should be prepared with a thorough plan depicting the positions of bottom drains, pipework, pond filters, skimmers and pond pumps.

Read more on I hope the fish pond design ideas given in this article help you in constructing a beautiful fish pond. If you have any doubt regarding the installation of the fish pond assembly, do not hesitate to consult a professional as it is directly concerned with the life of your fish.
By Ashwini Kulkarni

Dog Massage Therapy: A Way to Your Dog's Betterment


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Health experts say that touch can do wonders. This does not only apply to humans -- dog massage therapy actually has a lot of benefits that cannot be given by just one pill or one treatment from the vet. Finding out the many benefits of massage for dogs will surely encourage dog owners to undergo dog massage training to show more of their love for their pets.

A few of the many benefits of massaging dogs as discussed in most dog massage training courses include: sense of calmness, decrease in stress level, pain relief, decrease of toxins in your dog's body, faster recovery after surgery or after your dog has had some trauma, and so on. Though dog massage therapy is not a true replacement of veterinary care, it is still recommended.

Massage for dogs is normally a process of generating pressure to certain body parts of your dog. If you have not undergone dog massage training and plan to just use massage as a form of bonding with your pet, you should only use gentle pressure. Skilled massage therapists, however, can use stronger pressure depending upon the needs, the condition, and the size of the dog.

There are many different techniques of dog massage therapy. There are massages meant to benefit the circulatory system. For example, stroking can be a form of massage, and when done to your dog, the end result is usually better circulation. For skin and muscle improvement, the recommended dog massage techniques to use include stretching and kneading.

A more complete description of each type of massage for dogs is found below:

1. Passive touch technique

This kind of massage involves no motion or pressure from your hands. You just have to place your hands on top of a certain body part for around 30 seconds up to a little over a minute in order to calm your dog. The passive touch form of dog massage can also be used to keep your pet warm.

2. Stroking technique

This kind of dog massage therapy is usually used as a closing procedure in massage sessions. It is best to stroke lightly in order to increase your pet's level of calmness. If you want to stop your dog from crying or whimpering, you may also use the stroking technique.

3. Stretching

Stretching is also considered as a form of dog massage that is used to improve movable joints. For example, if you want to strengthen your dog's limbs, you may order him to stand, and once he does, you can take a hold of his paws, and make him move in dancing motions. You have to be careful, though, as incorrect positioning can be the cause of trauma to your dog's tissue and joints. If you are afraid of stretching your dog, it may be best to have it done by a professional dog massage therapist.

4. Kneading

Included in the list of popular dog massage techniques is the technique called kneading. There are two kinds of kneading massages: deep or superficial kneading. Deep kneading massages are used to improve muscle fibers by massaging your dog's muscles directly. Deep kneading massages more often than not decrease toxins and gets rid of muscle spasms in your dog. The superficial type of kneading, on the other hand, mostly involves giving light and short pinches to the skin as well as skin rolling. Superficial kneads help improve your dog's circulation and blood flow.

There are so many benefits of dog massage therapy that makes it an activity that is highly suggested to dog owners. Zoe Gan, a trusted professional in dog massage, offers a video course: Dog Massage Secrets, which teaches dog owners how they can improve their pet's health through proper dog massage. If you want a happy, lively, and healthier dog, aside from regular veterinary check-ups, massage for your dog is a must.
By Annita Brixen

A Beginners Look at Dog Grooming


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Learning how to groom your dog at home is a perfect way to not only keep your pet looking and feeling their best but it's also a great way to save money and spend quality time bonding together.

However, as wonderful as it may sound, your dog might not be quite as thrilled as you are at the prospect, especially if they've never experienced true grooming before other than an occasional brushing of the fur. And in the case of dogs that are very fearful or unruly, the services of a professional dog groomer may be in order. If that’s the case, a dog car seat cover is needed to keep the hair off your seats.

Naturally, the best time to introduce your dog to grooming is while they're still in puppyhood. If that's not feasible, it is possible to teach old dog new tricks provided you have plenty of patience with them. Each grooming session should be started slowly, with little fanfare and attention drawn to what you will be doing. Setting and keeping a consistent schedule is recommended to help your dog become more familiar and comfortable with the new routine.

Before it's time to bathe your dog, they will need a thorough brushing, unless, of course, they are one of the breeds with short hair. Any tangles or mats should be worked on carefully and diligently before bathing. Take care when working on removing mats as some can actually have skin trapped within the mat, so you certainly don't want to cut into your dog's skin when attempting to remove a section of matted fur.

If you'll be using your bathtub, put a bath towel or mat on the bottom of the tub first to help keep your dog from slipping, which can easily frighten some dogs that aren't very fond of water. If you'll be bathing them outside, be sure to pick a nice sunny day and confine your dog so they won't head straight into a pile of mud or leaves afterward.

Always gather all of your supplies ahead of time keeping them within arm's reach as it isn't likely your dog will patiently sit and wait while you run off to look for a brush or the shampoo.

You will need a shampoo that is specially formulated for dogs as human shampoo can be too harsh, cause irritation, and strip their skin of essential oils causing a number of problems. Also avoid getting water or shampoo in your dog's ears or eyes as many are prone to infections.

Your dog can be persuaded to cooperate with the process better if you use a soft, but firm tone, never raising your voice for any reason from beginning to end. The goal here is to create a pleasant experience and not one that causes fear or uncertainty.

Grooming your dog will also involve cleaning their teeth, a task often overlooked by pet owners until it's too late and their veterinarian tells them their dog has serious gum disease. Beyond fresher breath, brushing your dog's teeth will keep plaque and tartar at bay and help to save your dog from serious, and expensive dental procedures later on in life.
By Kelly Marshall

Why Your Dog Needs a Collar


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If you own a dog you are aware that there are certain things you need to keep your dog healthy, happy and safe. While most people understand that besides food and water, their dogs need toys to play with and a bed to sleep in, but many people do not understand the importance of their dog wearing a collar.

Providing Information to help Identify Your Dog
In fact, a dog collar is of vital importance in helping to keep your dog safe as well as in training him. At a minimum your dog should wear flat nylon dog collars that include a buckle. These dog collars come in a variety of colors and widths. By having a collar your dog can keep vital information with him. Information such as his vaccination information, license and other medical information. It is also important to have your name, address and phone number on it so that if your dog is lost and someone finds him they have a way of contacting you.

By providing this information you are helping keep your dog safe should he wander off by. By making it easy for whoever finds him to return him you are also saving yourself hours or even days of needless worry.

Helping Provide For Training
A well behaved dog is a well liked dog. In order to have a well behaved dog you are going to need to spend the time training your dog. One of the most valuable things you can do is provide leash training for your dog.

Most cities and even small towns have leash laws now a days. If you want your dog to be well socialized and be able to go places with you then you are going to have to train him to walk and obey when he is on a leash. The leash needs to be attached to a collar. Starting a puppy with a safe collar is the first step in leash training. Once your puppy or dog is comfortable wearing a collar then attaching a leash will be less traumatic than trying to get him used to both a leash and collar at the same time.

Using a leash you can easily train your dog to heel and walk while pulling. It also gives you a way to control your dog should he become agitated or afraid. Allowing you to keep him from either fleeing or attacking and risk serious injury to him or to others.

There are a variety of different collars to choose from and different dog collars work well for different training needs. A collar that might work well for a large dog may not be appropriate for a small dog. Likewise some training collars are not suitable for puppies under 6 months. Learning about the different collars that are available and their benefits and their potential problems will help you decide which collar might be right for your dog and his specific training needs. At a minimum your dog should have a flat buckle collar sufficient for his size that will allow you to attach the necessary information for your dog’s safety.

The Joys of Breeding Chinchilla


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Chinchillas are absolutely lovable pets that any person would appreciate. Their smooth fur and hyperactive personality make Chins well loved throughout the world. Pet owners who are serious in keeping Chins have plenty of things to learn about, such as providing their Chins with the right cage and diet. For those who want to go a mile further and become breeders, breeding Chinchilla is the way to go.

Before plunging into the breeding of this animal, anyone should learn the facts first. Although Chinchillas are cute and popular pets, they are still considered more difficult to keep compared to other pets like dogs and birds. Chinchillas are widely regarded as exotic pets that entail a lot of effort and money for pet owners to keep. Those who want to breed and then sell Chinchillas may have to consider these facts first before going into this venture.

But for those who really want to go into the breeding of Chinchillas, there are several steps to follow. In breeding Chinchilla, one should make sure that the female Chin is old enough to get pregnant. Typically, female Chins are ready to get pregnant by the time they reach their 8th month. They should also weigh at least 600 grams.

Now, the female Chinchilla should be kept in the same cage with a male Chin. Give the animals enough time to get acquainted with each other. This can be done by putting their cages beside each other before they are kept in the same cage. This will allow the animals to sniff each other. Once they are kept in the same cage, they may fight each other at first.

When breeding Chinchilla, the place where the cage is placed should always be exposed to natural day and night cycles. Chinchillas will not mate when the place is either too dark or too bright.

Once the animals have settled with each other's company, look for sighs of mating. Look for a waxy plug on the female Chin, which holds the semen of the male Chinchilla. But it does not mean that the female Chin is pregnant after the animals have mated.

The female Chin should always be looked after. The tricky part is that the female Chin will not exhibit signs of pregnancy until a week or two before she is due. In breeding Chinchilla, the period for gestation lasts 111 days. The female Chin will be able to give birth on its own. It will clean its infants and then eat after giving birth.

The male and female Chins should be separated after the birth of the infants since the female Chin may get pregnant immediately. The female Chin risks its life once it is subjected to back-to-back births. The male Chin should be placed in a cage next to the cage where the female Chin and its infants are in. It can be then placed back to help in taking care of the infants after a few days.

As seen by these steps, breeding Chinchilla can be pretty easy especially for expert breeders.

Are you looking for more information on breeding Chinchilla? I am here to help! My name is Leah Petersson. I am a freelance Expert Author and a Chinchilla enthusiast who has been caring for Chinchillas for quite some time. If you are looking for a good and effective solutions to the problems with your Chinchilla, the breeding Chinchilla information on my site may provide you with the solution you are looking for. There are also some effective methods to getting a healthy and happy Chin that anyone can use. By Leah Petersson

Taking Care of Your Cat Will Ensure a Long and Lasting Relationship


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Cat care includes ensuring that your pet has food and water readily available. Cats typically get their own exercise as they play and prowl around the house, thus alleviating the need to take them on walks. It doesn't take a lot to keep a cat happy which is another reason that they are such popular pets.

Cat care includes providing your pet with a box or a cushion to sleep. This is an area in which they will feel comfortable and safe, and they will often choose their own spot to make their home.

Providing them with a litter box is essential, and cats are typically easily trained to use the box in accordance with their habits of cleanliness. Litter needs to be changed on a regular basis, as cats will often not go to the toilet in an unclean environment.

An easy cat training tip is to work with your cat over a few weeks and figure out which kind of litter they like best. There are a great variety of different litters and you may find that one works better than another.

Cats will keep their claws immaculate, and will often sharpen them as needed on tree trunks and the like. If yours is solely an indoor cat, you may find that your cat will use furniture to sharpen its claws which can result in gouges or scratch marks. A cat training tip to avoid this problem is to provide your pet with an alternative option such as a scratching post. Rewarding your cat for using the scratching post can be done in the form of little treats, and they will soon learn to use the post instead of the furniture.

Cats will spend hours grooming themselves, often swallowing hair in the process. Cat care also includes brushing your cat on a regular basis to minimise the occurrence of large hair balls being swallowed.

Part of cat care includes monitoring the health of your pet. Please remember that your cat should have vaccinations at an early age and often these are legally required. Monitoring your cat for changes in behaviour is also important, and if any significant changes are noticed, it is always a good idea to consult a veterinarian. Taking care of your cat will ensure a long and lasting relationship. By Robert Grever

Goldfish Care Sheet


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Do not overstock

The first basic rule to healthy fish is NOT to overstock. Use at least 10 gallons of water per goldfish, more for commons and comets.

Plan for the Future

He may look like a tiny thing but goldfish live long lives and grow continuously. You need to cover the tank as goldfish may jump.

If you take care of the water, the water will take care of the fish

  • Treat your tap water with a high quality tap water conditioner that will neutralize chlorine/chloramines and detoxify heavy metals from your tap water.
  • Measure it for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH to make sure the water is stable and non toxic.
  • Filter it. The filter on your goldie tank should pass the tank’s entire water volume through the filter at least ten times per hour. Your filter traps trap debris and particles in your tank and also serves as a home for the bacteria that keep the water happy by converting ammonia (toxic) into nitrIte (still toxic) into nitrAte (less toxic). It will take several weeks to establish your biological filter (the good guy bacteria). Read about this process called cycling here.
  • Perform partial water changes weekly or biweekly (20-40%) to take care of the waste not dealt with in the biological cycle and to replenish the minerals and other good stuff the goldfish have used up.
  • Clean the filter by rinsing filter media (the fuzzy stuff) in some tank water twice a month.
  • Clean the gravel. Vacuum parts (but not all of it) every time you do a partial water change. "Nasties" may hide there that will pollute your water. Debris (fish poop, uneaten food, etc) build up and the bacteria that consume debris produce ammonia. If areas build up that don't get good water circulation, it can produce toxic gasses.

Goldfish are living beings and need oxygen

  • Provide large surface area. Goldfish fare better in tanks that are long, rather than tall. Longer tanks provide a larger surface area for optimal gas exchange.
  • Make sure there is surface movement. If the filter does not provide movement add some airstones.
  • Do not overstock. More fish means less oxygen per fish.
  • Perform partial water changes and tank cleaning weekly. Your tank maintenance assist oxygen production because as you remove dying plant, debris and uneaten food you reduce the number of oxygen consuming bacteria.
  • Watch for gasping. If fish gasp you may have a problem related to oxygen.

Goldfish have preferences

  • Keep a stable temperature around 76F
  • pH should be over 7 (preferably over 7.4). However if your KH (which measures your alkalinity) is low (under 80 PPM) you may see pH swings and if you experience pH drops between waterchanges you should look into increasing your alkalinity (KH) so your pH stays stable. Crushed coral or crushed oystershell added to a high flow area can also be used to increase KH and keep pH stable.
  • Some hardness (GH) makes for happier fish
  • Lights. Goldfish need to see to find food and have fun. Unless your room is bright add artificial fluorescent light. But remember that goldfish do like dark periods as well.

Goldfish are creatures of habit. Keep things stable

  • Don't tinker too much. Goldfish adapt to a wide range of pH and hardness. What they really need is for you to keep it stable so they do not have to adjust too often.
  • Use a heater to keep the temperature stable. Goldfish can adjust to a wide range. But around 76 Fahrenheit is a good temp for most fancy varieties.
  • Use a thermometer to measure temperature. And make sure the temperature of the change water is the same as the temperature of the tank water.
  • Test your pH every week and check the pH of your tapwater often.

Goldfish tanks should be about goldfish

  • Decorations. Keep them to a minimum. Goldfish need room to swim. They can get stuck between or under decorations. Avoid sharp decorations that they could get hurt on.
  • Substrate. Gravel can provide a home for the bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrAte, however it also provides a breeding ground for bacteria that eat debris and can cause disease. Gravel can also be a hazard if goldfish swallow it or get it stuck in their throats. Either use a shallow layer of gravel small enough to pass through a goldfish, or use a single layer of larger rocks too large to fit in their mouths. You can also have a bare-bottomed tank.
  • Tankmates. It is easier to succeed with a goldfish only tank. Tropicals have different requirements and are often sensitive to goldfish medications (like salt). Common Plecos and apple snails do not make good mates as they may suck on goldfish slimecoat and harm or injure them. Smaller hardy snails like trapdoors or small ramshorns would work fine though.
  • Plants. Plants can be used with goldfish but not always with success. Goldfish like to think of plants as their own salad bar and you may have to try a few before having success. Good ones to start with are java fern, anacharis, java moss, sword plants, dwarf anubias and Crypts. For more information, see our article on Goldfish and Plants.

Goldfish are omnivours and need good varied food to be healthy and happy

  • Feed goldfish once or twice a day (more often if they are babies and juveniles)
  • Feed a varied diet
  • Do not overfeed.
  • If you feed dry food (pellets or flakes) make sure they are good quality ones and not too old
  • Feed a varied diet of shrimp; krill and some live foods such as daphnia and worms. See our Goldfish Diner for more ideas for healthy goldfish foods.
  • Omnivours like their vegetables. Feed washed greens, spirula, peas, oranges and more.
  • Some goldfish are sensitive to dry food - particularly dry flakes. You may have to presoak your dry food or if see problems (like flipover) eliminate it from the diet
  • You can find more information in our goldfish nutrition articles.

Plan for the unexpected

  • Goldfish can get sick so keep your medicine cabinet stocked
  • Quarantine new fish (three to four weeks) to prevent illness spreading
  • Have a Hospital Tank ready (or something that will work as a make-up tank) just in case.

Be the best veterinarian you can

  • If fish get sick or out of sort try make a specific diagnosis rather than poison fish with too many medicines.
  • Always check your water first
  • Isolate sick specimens
  • Come describe what's happening in our Sick Fish Forum and we will try and help.

Thus plenty of water, generous space, regular water maintenance and good healthy food and your goldie should enjoy a long happy life with you

Anal Sac Disease In Cats-Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


The anal sacs (also known as anal glands) are two small sacs located on either side of the anus at the five and seven o'clock position. Their role is similar to scent glands and they secrete a oily, foul smelling substance which helps other cats to identify the individual.

When a cat defecates, the sphincter muscle contracts & squeezes the anal glands, emptying them. They are also emptied by forceful contractions of the anal sphincter which happens when a cat is scared or upset.

Anal sac disease begins when the anal glands secretions become thickened & impacted. This causes inflammation. If the anal sacs are not treated at this point, infection may occur which could lead to abscess. This in turn could eventually rupture through the adjacent skin.

Obese cats are more likely to develop anal sac disease.

What are the signs of impacted anal glands in cats?

  • Scooting it's bottom along the floor.

  • Biting & or licking around the anal region.

  • Straining while defecating.

  • Pain while defecating.

  • Obvious pain in the anal area.

  • Swelling in the anal area.

  • Rupture around the anal region.

How is anal gland disease in cats treated?

If the anal glands are simply impacted & haven't progressed to infection & or abscess then manually expressing the secretions may be all that is required. Your veterinarian will need to do this & it involves inserting a finger into the anus & gently applying pressure.

If the anal sacs have become infected or abscessed, lancing & extraction of the infected material will be necessary. This is followed by flushing & antibiotics are instilled into the sacs to treat infection.

If your cat has repeated problems with their anal glands, surgical removal may be necessary.

Preventing anal sac disease in cats:

The anal sacs should be regularly checked for signs of impactation, infection or abscess.

Spotlight on Ringworm - Is Your Cat at Risk?


RINGWORM (DERMATOPHYTOSIS), A FUNGAL INFECTION, IS THE MOST COMMON CONTAGIOUS SKIN INFECTION IN CATS. It can also affect the nails. Ringworm can be transmitted from cats to other animals and to people.

Several different fungi can cause ringworm. Feline cases are usually caused by Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum, or Trichophyton species. The fungus is most commonly found on an infected animal or in the infected animal’s living quarters. Spores shed into the environment can live for up to 24 months. Spores can live on brushes, bedding, furniture – anything the infected animal has touched.

Most healthy adult cats are naturally resistant to ringworm. Kittens under a year old are most often infected. Sick cats, senior cats, and free-roaming cats seem to be at increased risk. Genetics may also play a role, as Persians appear to be more susceptible to ringworm.

Ringworm usually appears as small round, scaly, hairless lesions on the head, ears, or tail. The lesions may itch, grow, and develop pustules. Occasionally, the infection will affect the entire body. Excessive shedding and hairballs may also occur. Ringworm can also cause nails to grow malformed.

If you have cats in your home, be careful about bringing a new kitten into the mix. Also, exercise caution when visiting cat shows, kennels, and groomers. If you see any sign of ringworm, isolate the cat and seek prompt veterinary attention. Also, wear gloves when handling affected animals and wash hands well afterwards.

Ringworm is most reliably diagnosed with a routine fungal culture of the skin and coat. Your veterinarian will also look for underlying disease(s) that may increase ringworm risk.

An antifungal cream with miconazole or thiabendazole is typically the first line of defense against a single lesion of ringworm. More severe cases typically also require a combination of oral treatment with an antifungal drug plus lime sulfur dips. Treatment generally continues until two weekly fungal cultures return negative results.