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Why Your Dog Needs a Collar


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If you own a dog you are aware that there are certain things you need to keep your dog healthy, happy and safe. While most people understand that besides food and water, their dogs need toys to play with and a bed to sleep in, but many people do not understand the importance of their dog wearing a collar.

Providing Information to help Identify Your Dog
In fact, a dog collar is of vital importance in helping to keep your dog safe as well as in training him. At a minimum your dog should wear flat nylon dog collars that include a buckle. These dog collars come in a variety of colors and widths. By having a collar your dog can keep vital information with him. Information such as his vaccination information, license and other medical information. It is also important to have your name, address and phone number on it so that if your dog is lost and someone finds him they have a way of contacting you.

By providing this information you are helping keep your dog safe should he wander off by. By making it easy for whoever finds him to return him you are also saving yourself hours or even days of needless worry.

Helping Provide For Training
A well behaved dog is a well liked dog. In order to have a well behaved dog you are going to need to spend the time training your dog. One of the most valuable things you can do is provide leash training for your dog.

Most cities and even small towns have leash laws now a days. If you want your dog to be well socialized and be able to go places with you then you are going to have to train him to walk and obey when he is on a leash. The leash needs to be attached to a collar. Starting a puppy with a safe collar is the first step in leash training. Once your puppy or dog is comfortable wearing a collar then attaching a leash will be less traumatic than trying to get him used to both a leash and collar at the same time.

Using a leash you can easily train your dog to heel and walk while pulling. It also gives you a way to control your dog should he become agitated or afraid. Allowing you to keep him from either fleeing or attacking and risk serious injury to him or to others.

There are a variety of different collars to choose from and different dog collars work well for different training needs. A collar that might work well for a large dog may not be appropriate for a small dog. Likewise some training collars are not suitable for puppies under 6 months. Learning about the different collars that are available and their benefits and their potential problems will help you decide which collar might be right for your dog and his specific training needs. At a minimum your dog should have a flat buckle collar sufficient for his size that will allow you to attach the necessary information for your dog’s safety.

The Joys of Breeding Chinchilla


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Chinchillas are absolutely lovable pets that any person would appreciate. Their smooth fur and hyperactive personality make Chins well loved throughout the world. Pet owners who are serious in keeping Chins have plenty of things to learn about, such as providing their Chins with the right cage and diet. For those who want to go a mile further and become breeders, breeding Chinchilla is the way to go.

Before plunging into the breeding of this animal, anyone should learn the facts first. Although Chinchillas are cute and popular pets, they are still considered more difficult to keep compared to other pets like dogs and birds. Chinchillas are widely regarded as exotic pets that entail a lot of effort and money for pet owners to keep. Those who want to breed and then sell Chinchillas may have to consider these facts first before going into this venture.

But for those who really want to go into the breeding of Chinchillas, there are several steps to follow. In breeding Chinchilla, one should make sure that the female Chin is old enough to get pregnant. Typically, female Chins are ready to get pregnant by the time they reach their 8th month. They should also weigh at least 600 grams.

Now, the female Chinchilla should be kept in the same cage with a male Chin. Give the animals enough time to get acquainted with each other. This can be done by putting their cages beside each other before they are kept in the same cage. This will allow the animals to sniff each other. Once they are kept in the same cage, they may fight each other at first.

When breeding Chinchilla, the place where the cage is placed should always be exposed to natural day and night cycles. Chinchillas will not mate when the place is either too dark or too bright.

Once the animals have settled with each other's company, look for sighs of mating. Look for a waxy plug on the female Chin, which holds the semen of the male Chinchilla. But it does not mean that the female Chin is pregnant after the animals have mated.

The female Chin should always be looked after. The tricky part is that the female Chin will not exhibit signs of pregnancy until a week or two before she is due. In breeding Chinchilla, the period for gestation lasts 111 days. The female Chin will be able to give birth on its own. It will clean its infants and then eat after giving birth.

The male and female Chins should be separated after the birth of the infants since the female Chin may get pregnant immediately. The female Chin risks its life once it is subjected to back-to-back births. The male Chin should be placed in a cage next to the cage where the female Chin and its infants are in. It can be then placed back to help in taking care of the infants after a few days.

As seen by these steps, breeding Chinchilla can be pretty easy especially for expert breeders.

Are you looking for more information on breeding Chinchilla? I am here to help! My name is Leah Petersson. I am a freelance Expert Author and a Chinchilla enthusiast who has been caring for Chinchillas for quite some time. If you are looking for a good and effective solutions to the problems with your Chinchilla, the breeding Chinchilla information on my site may provide you with the solution you are looking for. There are also some effective methods to getting a healthy and happy Chin that anyone can use. By Leah Petersson